What to visit in Favignana

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Bays and beaches, the most popular

Cala Rossa

Beach with rocky coastlines, ideal for those who love to experience the thrill of a dip in its light blue waters and also for who love snorkeling and diving. Area with a very clear sand bottom that makes its waters crystal clear. Characterized by a land route widely accessible for those who wear suitable shoes, but not recommended for children under 5 years, the elderly, pregnant women and people with disabilities.

Cala Azzurra

Beach characterized by fine white sand and the turquoise color of its waters. Its shallow and sandy bottoms are suitable for families with children and the elderly.

Lido Burrone

One of the most beautiful beaches on the island and the only one to be equipped. It offers all the necessary services for your comfort: umbrellas, sunbeds, catering, etc. Its shallow seabed and sandy beach make it perfect for families.

Bue Marino

Not far from Cala Rossa there is the famous bay from the rocky bottoms of Bue Marino, famous for the extraction of tuff, tunnels and caves. The richness of its marine fauna and the depth of its waters attract the attention of those who love diving and snorkeling. Not suitable for children.

Lo scivolo

Coastal area located between Calamoni beach and Lido Burrone. It comes in the form of a bay composed of flat rocks, sandy bottom and turquoise sea.

Other bays and beaches to discover

Spiaggia Calamoni

Located to the east of the fishing village Punta Longa, it is characterized by the succession of sandy and rocky bays. The turquoise sea and its shallow waters allow children to have fun.

Spiaggia Praia

Sandy beach and blue sea a stone’s throw from Favignana port.

Scogliera di Scalo Cavallo

Suggestive coastal area located on a cliff overlooking the sea easily accessible through a paved road. Ideal for those who love to venture into the caves that lead to unexpected panoramic views of the sea or for those who want to access the different bays on the sea and relax.

Spiaggia di Cala Graziosa

Bay composed of small coves formed by flat rocks that form natural pools where the sea water flows there and pebble and sandy beaches suitable for children and the elderly.

Grotta Perciata

From the dialect “bucata” cave, it is in fact a cave whose ceiling is non-existent therefore the water of the sea penetrates from an arch into the rock and resurfaces in a large natural tank made of rock. Ideal for those who want to swim among the turquoise waters and enjoy the vision of countless rocky cavities and small caves.

Spiaggia del Marasolo

The beach is located within Cala Monaci, a panoramic area with fine sand, surrounded by flat rocks suitable for families with children because of the shallow water.

Grotta dei Sospiri

Sea cave reachable only and exclusively by boat, ideal for those who love swimming going to discover the cave and the sounds caused by the sea and the wind, hence its name.

Punta Longa

Strip of land surrounded by rocks and bays where resides a small fishing village with low houses and a small port.

Cala del Prèveto

An uncontaminated area surrounded by nature, Cala Preveto rises at the end of a valley and then overlooks the crystal clear sea. Reachable by land along a bumpy road, not suitable for families with children. With the boat you can reach Preveto Island which is located right in front of the bay.

Punta Fànfalo

Deep water, high and flat rocks capture the attention of those who love diving and snorkeling. Reachable by sea and land, not suitable for children.

Cala Rotonda

Bay characterized by rocky coves, coarse sand, pebbles and rocks. Beach famous for the presence of the natural stone arch of Ulysses formed by erosion caused by winds and the sea. Ideal for scuba diving and exploring the underwater cave that is 8 meters deep, for families, children and couples looking for intimacy and for photography enthusiasts to capture breathtaking sunsets.

Spiaggia di Cala Pozzo

It is one of the wildest bays on Favignana island characterized by transparent sea, rocky seabed and white sandy beaches. Easily accessible by scooter or car and not by bike because of the challenging route due to the climbs. Ideal for those looking for privacy and for those who want to enjoy the sunset.

Faro di Punta Sottile

Punta Sottile has several bays and pebble beaches ideal for children to play games or to dive in its turquoise waters. It is located in the extreme west of Favignana island, so it gives a suggestive sunset with the sun slowly disappearing behind the sea creating shades of warm lights on the Mediterranean.

Cala Faraglioni o Punta Faraglione

It is a natural oasis that can be reached through a disjointed little street not suitable for children and elderly. The bay is formed by rocks from which you can notice a white crescent-shaped beach and, in addition, in the area you can explore sea caves.

Old town and sights

Favignana city consists of three squares connected by a main street, the center of the island nightlife, within walking distance.

Piazza Madrice

Main square of Favignana island where stands the baroque church of the Madonna dell’Immacolata Concezione – built in 1704 – a Catholic place of worship par excellence of the island.

Piazza Europa

Square where Favignana municipe hall is located in front of which was erected the statue of the former owner and patron of Favignana, Ignazio Florio.

Piazza Marina

Island main square of working life where is located the Church of St. Anthony.

Favignana port

Once at the port of Favignana you will find yourself in the characteristic historic center from the low houses, fishing and touring boats and the folkloric fish market. The port is the place to walk around perhaps enjoying the delicacies of the place.

Tonnara di Favignana - ex Florio plant

Around Favignana port you will notice the buildings of the ex Florio plant, built in the second half of the 1800s on the initiative of Ignazio Florio Senator. Considered the most important and modern industrial plant in the Mediterranean for the processing of tuna is today a symbol of the industrial archeology of the island.

After decades of neglect, the plant has been renovated and regenerated.

Today Favignana tuna fishery houses a small archaeological museum that exhibits numerous finds found in the Egadi Islands and allows you to discover the secrets of bluefin tuna fishing and its conservation, the latter introduced by Florio himself.

The roots of the past of a land of fishermen still visible from the work done by fishermen on nets in the alleys of the island.

Castello di Santa Caterina

The castle symbol of Favignana island rises from Santa Caterina hill, the highest point of the island, from which you can enjoy a wonderful view of the Egadi Islands and the coast of Western Sicily. The visit is free, you can access the whole building going up the mountain to the top for about 50 minutes. The climb is easy and suitable for everyone.

Archaeological sites

Grotta delle Uccerie e Grotta del Pozzo

Archaeological sites where there are finds and graffiti dating back to the Paleolithic and Punic inscriptions.

Area Archeologica di San Nicola

It is an archaeological area where ruins of a necropolis dating back to the Hellenistic age have been found. In the same area you will find a beautiful beach, perfect for families and children.

Giardini Ipogei di Villa Margherita

They represent one of the most famous tuff cavities on the island, located near the town of Bue Marino. Once the quarry was processed and the stone no longer had to be extracted, large gardens and vegetable gardens were made.

Visit Egadi

Marettimo (40 min. through line links)

The second largest island of the Egadi and the wildest for the poor impact of man on the environment where there are numerous caves characterized by stalagmites, stalactites and rock formations, among the most famous is the Camel Cave. A peculiar landscape, given by the contrast of the white houses, the green vegetation and the blue of the sea gives any visitor an experience that reserves many surprises.

Levanzo (15 min. through line links)

The smallest of the main islands of the archipelago, it is a dream world of white limestone rocks and isolated beaches where you can enjoy the silence of the place and where you can admire the prehistoric depictions, engravings, paintings, human and animal figures in a scenery of great landscape suggestion such as that of the Grotta del Genovese.

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